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2019 Sensory Forum Taiwan

04 六月 2019

| 2019 Sensory Forum Taiwan |

Sensory Forum : A Coffee Science Event is a two-day series of lectures for coffee professionals taking place in Taiwan this July 18-19. Join us to learn about the sensory science behind the SCA Flavor Wheel, the flavor implications of genetics and varieties in coffee, and access the latest research from SCA's partnerships with universities. Experts from across the industry will discuss the latest sensory science and chemistry in cold brewed coffee, the neuroscience of sensory perception, and much more.

Every lecture will feature a hands-on sensory experience, and attendees will have a chance to experience coffee science firsthand.


SCA Sensory Forum was held at CH Biotech International Conference Hall today. Three main topics were discussed on the first day. This event happened to encounter a mild typhoon around Taiwan and it was raining heavily all day, but bad weather didn’t quench the participant’s passion for learning.
Mr. Ted Lingle, the inventor of the old version Taster’s Flavor Wheel, and Ms. Cheng-Cheng Su, the manager of the CQI China were invited to this forum. The interaction between the audience and the lecturer was very active, and many questions were sked. The enthusiastic participation of this event by coffee people at home and abroad was greatly appreciated, and your joining us really enriched this learning journey.

We are very proud to be able to host this forum in Taiwan and will endeavor to enhance the knowledge of coffee lovers. This will be the driving force for the never-ending progression of the CH Biotech Coffee Research Center!